Hello everyone! My name is GM Raunak Sadhwani my fide rating is 2645. I have been playing chess for more than 10 years and i have...
Уроки шахмат для детей и взрослых. ====================================================
https://ratings.fide.com/profile/12503592 GM Homayoon Toufighi (Turkey/Antalya) Head coach of Iranian women's nastional...
Originate from Dundee, Scotland and have been in Jersey since 2006 and still enjoy some online chess!
I'm Amir Mohammad hamidi 25 years with 2300 fide rating I'm available for teaching online chess! I can show you how boost your chess...
https://thinkerspublishing.com/product/the-modernized-philidor-defense/ https://thinkerspublishing.com/product/la-defensa-philidor-modernizada-sergio-trigo/...