
rainbow everywhere






Alt accounts: @HatsuneMikusLeftArm @HatsuneMikusRightLeg @HatsuneMikusRightArm @HatsuneMikusSuperSecretAlt

Open accounts: @HatsuneMikusTorso @HatsuneMikus443rdBraincell @HatsuneMikusHead @HatsuneMikusHands @HatsuneMikusFeet @HatsuneMikusHair 

Children: @Foxyaustin7717 , @Harley_Quinn2011 , @Mx-Cheese , @MeercatsforMayor , @Jotaro-alt , 4 irl


My Lore:
I ate the other leg

Sexuality: Spectrasexual/Pansexual 

Gender Identity: Genderfae

Religion: Polyreligious 

Is water wet: Yes

The chicken or the egg: Egg, because it evolved slowly to hatch a chicken from dinosaurs

Are you gay: Probably, but you just don't know it yet

Kasane's Karaoke
Kasane's Karaoke ৩৯৩ জন সদস্য
The Dragon Chess Warriors
The Dragon Chess Warriors ১,৩৯০ জন সদস্য
Animal Appreciation Club
Animal Appreciation Club ৫৫৩ জন সদস্য
Burger-kitty ৮২২ জন সদস্য
The United Chess Nations
The United Chess Nations ৭,৮৮৪ জন সদস্য