Troba un club d'escacs

Elijah's Homies
Private club. You're probably only getting in with an invite or if I make some exceptions. This is for me and my friends to hang out and a place fo...
Team Estonia
Welcome to Team Estonia! This team is for Estonian players. We play team matches, vote chess and tournaments! Now 1000+ members. We represent Esto...
Union Of Chess Masters
As you continue on your Chess journey, we’d like to warmly invite you to our club, Union of Chess Masters, with over 3,100 members, 30 Chess....
Oxford Instruments Online Chess Club
This club is for employees of Oxford Instruments.  People across the world can join the club. Please share your Oxford Instruments email ID, while ...
Queens of the Board
Look, this is a private club, but if you want to join you have to have a PHD in mathematics, at least one published essay in American scientific ab...
AngelaPlayzChess Friends And Peace
(Turn on dark mode for a better appearance, unless your background is very dark/close to black)  DISCLAIMER: This club is not suitable for r...
The Bullet club
we do all things chess we have weekly tournaments,live chat,tips,and active adminsremember this club is for everyone! however if any admin suspects...
Brilliant Minds_open
Hello Brilliant minds, We are waiting for you with open hand, The Brilliant Minds_open Club is made for all So feel free to join  All Bril...
Music Lovers
A group for all people that love music of any kind! Whatever it may be, pop, country, rock, jazz, whatever, this group is for you! Chat about your ...
Добро пожаловать в команду УРАЛ! МЫ -лучшие! Урал - опорный край державы! Приглашаем в группу всех проживающих во всех концах Урала: от Южного до С...
Team Kansas
Team Kansas welcomes all residents of Kansas, present or former. We are the official team for Kansas in the "U.S. Team Chess League." For practice ...
Are you up for a game of chess? If so, I encourage you to join one of the greatest communities on The ARC! It is an online chess club wh...
Nemo's Pool Party
WGM Qiyu Zhou's chess club! Qiyu is also known as Nemo.
Phoenix Chess League
Welcome to Phoenix Chess League! Phoenix Chess League (PCL) is a newly created league in 2024, which intends to bring events between clubs in mul...
This program has a unique aspect of integrating chess for those juvenilesinterested in the game. Participants receive chess instruction and are edu...
The Stormfields
This club is only for the Stormfields. If u don't think ur supposed to be in it, ur not.
Ippogrifo Reggio Emilia
This club represents the city of Reggio Emilia (Italy) Ritrovo virtuale del circolo scacchistico di Reggio Emilia Ippogrifo https://www.ippogrifo...
THE Panda Club
Hello! Welcome to the ,,THE Panda Club''! We are currently involved with daily matches, vote chess, multi club arenas, and daily bullet, blitz ...
We like to talk and play chess.
Team Armenia
Team Armenia-միակ թիմն է, որը ներկայացնում է Հայաստանը Աշխարհի և Եվրոպայի պաշտոնական խաղերում: Team Armenia-ն Աշխարհի Լիգայի ամենաուժեղ՝ 1-ին դիվիզ...