Ադամանդե Անդամ

My name is Anthony and I'm an average 25 year old chess player from Sydney, New South Wales attempting to improve my chess skills through countless blunders and constant dedication.

Despite first being taught Chess as a child, it wasn't until 2013 where I made an account here and casually played Chess in my spare time after high school. However, 95% of my spare time was spent on playing the wide collection of Action/Strategy/Rhythm games I owned across different console generations. Eventually, at 16 I decided to share some of these gaming experiences through the creation of my own Twitch channel where I mostly broadcast myself playing video games with the occasional Chess stream. 

In mid-2018, my interest in Chess grew to the point where I committed to attending my first over-the-board tournament in the worst way possible by attending THE strongest open tournament in NSW known as the NSW Open (thankfully in the U1600 Minor division) and got destroyed. With the realisation that Chess is a relatively cheap hobby that is fun, challenging, adventurous (at a more elite level) and has small-medium sized cash prizes worth fighting for, I decided to take it seriously.

Spent my Uni years (2018-2020), managing a balancing act between Chess, video games, streaming, a business degree and a working job tackling the struggles of everyday players with a focus of becoming an advanced player. Now in 2021 onwards, I try to keep up my game while attempting to get closer to 2000 OTB rating

and If all else fails, at least reading this was worth it!  grin.png

Improvers 31 320 թիմակիցներ Community Community 61 820 թիմակիցներ
ChessPunks Club
ChessPunks Club 1 558 թիմակիցներ
Big Bash Chess Club
Big Bash Chess Club 23 թիմակիցներ