ბრილიანტის წევრი Community Streamer

Chess Journey:

"I learned to play chess as a small kid. My father, who passed when I was six, left behind a chess table with a drawer full of pieces. I taught myself the basics by reading the rules and tinkering with the game, though I didn’t really understand much back then. Growing up wasn’t easy. I had a troubled childhood and spent some time separated from my family. But as I got older, I would play chess casually over the board with friends and family, enjoying the art of tactics and discovering my own openings.

I didn’t join until 2021, and that’s when I truly fell in love with the digital world of chess. Playing against higher-rated players and diving deeper into openings and tactics showed me how much I still had to learn. Now, I have a decent understanding of the principles of chess, but I’m always looking to improve—even if I feel like I’m as old as dirt."

Favorite Piece and Aspirations:

“My favorite piece is the Knight. There’s something about its aesthetic that draws me in, and if I ever get an exquisitely carved chess set, the Knight will be the most important piece. If it’s not right, the set won’t be for me. I’m also thinking of getting an electronic chess set for the road, as I recently got my CDL and started trucking.”

Favorite Openings:

“My favorite opening is the Italian Game, which gives me plenty of attacking opportunities. I have a special little gambit I like to use when the pieces line up perfectly, adding an extra element of surprise. For black, I often go with the Sicilian Defense, even though it’s not easy and I haven’t fully mastered it. Despite that, I find myself playing it most of the time, enjoying the complexity and the dynamic positions it creates.”

Playing Style:

“My playing style is aggressive and relentless. I thrive on keeping my opponents under pressure with constant attacks. I’m not afraid to sacrifice material if it means gaining the initiative and pushing my position forward. I play with a romantic flair, embracing bold moves and risky sacrifices, always looking for creative ways to outmaneuver my opponent.”
