
Hi, my name is Shiva I really like playing chess. I played in many school tournaments and I am trying to get 1000+ elo in chess.

I am open to anyone who wants to be friends with me. The best club which you should join is the King's Council. Also If you somehow beat me that's because I was sleeping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! am open to anyone who wants to be friends with me. The club you should definitely join is King's Council. Also if you some how beat me that's because I was sleeping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Dragon Council
Dragon Council 14 пользователей
HI CHITTER CHATTER 6 пользователей
Mighty Masters
Mighty Masters 1 516 пользователей
The King's council
The King's council 14 пользователей
Chessable Academy
Chessable Academy 12 пользователей