Hitta en schackklubb

Club de Ajedrez UAX
Este es el club oficial de la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio. Aquí podreis jugar entre vosotros y particpar en los torneos y clases online q...
Torneios - Cursos GM Krikor
Clube de torneios semanais dos cursos do GM Krikor. Ao pedir pra entrar confirme seu número no grupo do Whats para um melhor controle.
Club de Ajedrez de Luisón
Bienvenido a mi club. Si formas parte de él podrás participar en los torneos que organizaremos para entrenar un poco y animar los shows de http://t...
6 788
Princeton Chess
“Princeton Chess” online tournaments are free for all. We started during pandemic, and have organized more than 1000 tournaments. &nb...
1 561
Pawn Society
Welcome to the Pawn Society, an International, dynamic chess club focused on competitive daily matches with vote chess and club tournaments mixed i...
Extraescolar ITT
Club para jugar torneitos 
Wellington Chess Club
Wellington Chess Club now meets every Thursday at 7:30. All welcome. Casual games and nationally rated tournaments. 17 Tinakori Road, Thorndon, W...
New Mexico Chess Players
This group is for people that play chess in the beautiful state of New Mexico. The primary goal of this group is to compete in the US State Chess L...
Partidas Inmortales - Youtube
Un club formado por el youtuber del canal "Partidas Inmortales de Ajedrez", y donde participan sus suscriptores. Si aún no te has suscrito al canal...
8 484
Neon Runners
Are you a night owl who thrives in the darkness? Enjoy the thrill of rushing through the cool breeze? Or maybe... you're a driven chess player, cha...
Atlanta Checkmate Club
📍Monday Nights - Politan Row at Colony Square - Midtown Atlanta  ♟️ 📍Tuesday Nights - Publik Draft House - Midtown Atlanta ♟️ 📍Wed...
Red Army
We are sports fans. Our favorite sports are Football/Soccer and Chess of course. The "Red Army" moniker comes from football's, Manchester United. O...
1 577
Hajduk Split
Ovo je tim za navijače i simpatizere NK Hajduk, kao i za njihove prijatelje i za sve one koji vole Split i Dalmaciju*** This is the group for all N...
Penguin.GG Chess
Club for all penguin.gg chess Enthusiasts.,
the blox fruits and one piece fan club
the blox and one piece fan club g: 50! so pls join! we are active too and plssss join! if you play blox fruits or watch one piece u come to the rig...
Hogwarts School of Wizards
Hello, Wizarding friends, welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Upon joining you will be given a sorting test and be sorted into...
Team Essex - Chelmsford
We are hoping to get a re-energised Essex team match fit before the start of the 2025 County championship (which is a Daily match league), we'd be ...
The Shakhriyar Mamedyarov Fan Club
Official Fan Club of GM Shakhriyar Mamedyarov
3 467
Steinitz Mongolian Chess Academy
2024-2025 оны Хичээлийн жил тэмцээн арвин зохиож, хүүхдүүдийн ур чадвар, туршлагыг хурдан богино хугацаанд нөхөх төлөвлөгөөтэй байгааг дуулгахад та...
Snooker frame
Snooker- is an English version of billiards. I welcome you to the club) There will be results of tournaments, etc. Here you will recognize the cele...
Daily Warriors
♟️ Welcome to the Daily Warriors! ⚔️ Strong ⚔️ United ♟️ Join us for daily battles on the chessboard! Whether you're a grandmaster in training ...
The Legendary Midnight Club
——————— ✨Are you looking for a club where you can be yourself, with no filters or restrictions? Well, you...