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Learn the Sicilian with 2...e6

Learn the Sicilian with 2...e6

Learn one of the safest Sicilians that Black can play.

2...e6 is a flexible move that can lead to the Sicilian Taimanov, the Sicilian Kan, the Pin Variation and even the Sicilian Four Knights. Watch this video to learn how to play either side of this flexible Sicilian setup.

  • Learn key ideas and goals for both sides.
  • Practice thematic tactics. 
  • Review a model game.

Learn the Sicilian with 2...e6

Watch a video to learn the ins and outs of the flexible 2...e6 Sicilian for both Black and White.
22 phút
10 Thách đấu

Sicilian with 2...e6: Thematic Tactics

Practice key tactics for both sides in the Sicilian with 2...e6.
10 Thách đấu

Sicilian with 2...e6 Model Game; Wei Yi - Anne Haast

Wei Yi is one of the strongest young Grandmasters in the world! One of his first big tournaments was the challengers section of the Tata Steele Chess Tournament in 2015. Fifteen-year-old Wei Yi won the tournament with an impressive 10.5/13. See how he defeated WGM Anne Haast in a Taimanov Sicilian.
1 Thách đấu

Learn the Sicilian with 2...e6

Các khai cuộc
3 bài học
22 phút
21 thách đấu
Ngày đăng 3/2/2020