These are facts
1. I am a human
2. I love animals
3. I love Pokémon
4. I need help(you’ll find out about that later)
5. You’ll never get the time you took reading this back
6. I love SpongeBob Sqaurepants
7. I love reading
8. I host the club How to train your dragon. Please join!
9. I can talk
10. I can walk
11. I play chess
12. I have a key board
13. I know Pikachu_is_the_greatest
14. I can spell
16. I have friends
17. I love bughouse
18. I love reading
19. I love wings of fire
20. I love Pokémon
21. I already said I love Pokémon.
22. There was no number 15
23. You just looked back to see if that was true
24. You are laughing at yourself
25. This is an effective way to waste time of a person’s life.
26. I
27. Will
29. Typing
30. Right
31. After
32. I
33. Stop
34. In
35. 3
40. Also you just gave me 1 + view. Thank you!