If you wanna improve look no further!! Languages: English/Urdu Coaching Method: Depends on the level of play, period of engagement...
💬 FREE INTRO CALL! Coaching for Adults at All Levels! Double Your Chess Rating Progress in Half the Time! 💎 Exclusive Bonuses! ...
*Coach Of The Month* on chess.com, pronounced in August of 2019. https://www.chess.com/article/view/coach-of-the-month-nm-bojan-lukajic...
I am Alessandro Santagati, a 37 years old FM.I live in Catania , Sicily , and I started playing chess at the age of 11. I have extensive...
Author of The Magnus Queen's Gambit - a reliable and very easy-to-learn repertoire as Black against 1.d4. Check it out here: https://gingergm.com/library/the_magnus_queens_gambit...
If you are 1600 and under I would be more than happy to teach you. Unrated game. Three days per move or longer time limit. Set take...
Обучение (индивидуальное) 👉 https://bit.ly/2SfndPk Запитай майстра 👉 https://bit.ly/2NsaTK2 Обучающие видео 👉 https://bit.ly/2NVPObs Блог...